In order to buy USDT TRC20 for cash hryvnias, you need to contact a trusted service. This is, which has been on the cryptocurrency market for more than a year. Kiev, Odessa, Kharkiv, Lviv and Dnipro — in these cities our exchanger can offer the best conditions to our customers, as well as the most favorable exchange of cash hryvnia for Tether in many cities of Ukraine. You can make a purchase of USDT TRC20 on our website by filling out a short exchange form.
How to buy USDT at our exchanger?
On our platform you can exchange hryvnias to Tether without commissions by filling out an application. To do it quickly and without mistakes, follow the step-by-step instructions below:
- Enter the amount of UAH you want to exchange. The corresponding TRC20 amount will be calculated in the adjacent line.
- Fill in your contact information and carefully write down the address of your cryptocurrency wallet. That’s where the Tether will be credited.
- Read the terms of the agreement and click “Accept” if everything suits you. Then confirm your intentions by clicking the “Exchange” button.
- Contact the operator to reserve the required amount of UAH at a cashier’s desk and clarify the details. In addition, he will give you the code for depositing UAH in cash and the address of the cash office.
- Pay for your application and wait.
You can monitor how the exchange of cash hryvnias for Tether TRC20 is fulfilled in the “Application Status” tab. Or you can ask a question to our support operators by means of the special form on our website.
Our advantages
- Fast exchange of hryvnias for Tether.
- The best exchange rates.
- Anonymity of each client thanks to specialized services.
- Complete safety of your data.
- Referral program for registered users that provides cashback and many bonuses.
- Very responsive and professionally trained customer support systеm.