Do you want to invest in cryptocurrency? With our exchanger you can buy USDT ERC20 with Monobank card for hryvnias. Tether ERC20 USDT is a stablecoin, which is an analogue of the US dollar in crypto. The exchange rate of the coin fluctuates in relation to USD at an approximate ratio of 1:1. It is 100% backed by Tether reserves. The cryptocurrency is issued on the Ethereum blockchain. This indicates the higher cost and slower transaction speed of ERC20 compared to USDT TRC20
How to buy USDT with a hryvna at
You need to fill out a simple application, pay online, and crypto money will automatically come to your wallet.
- In the “Send” field enter the amount in hryvna, which you plan to spend for buying cryptocurrency. Below you will see the amount including the commission of the service. The cell “Receive” will automatically calculate the amount of USDT you will receive as a result of exchange.
- Specify the number of your Monobank , which you will use for purchase. Enter wallet number to which ERC20 will be transferred.
- Type your contact information, complete the captcha and click “Exchange”.
- Read and accept the terms of the cryptocurrency purchase agreement, if they are suitable for you.
- Make a payment with Monobank in hryvnia in accordance with the further instructions of the exchanger.
- Wait for Tether ERC20 USDT to be deposited to your wallet. You can track the progress of the exchange in the “Order Status” tab.
Why you should buy cryptocurrency with our service
- Anonymous. To replenish the Tether ERC-20 cryptocurrency wallet, registration on the website is not required. When filling in the order form, the option “Do not remember entered data” is offered. Choose it if you don’t want your personal information to be saved in the systеm.
Profitable. You can buy USDT via Monobank at the best exchange rate. The exchanger works absolutely transparently, without any hidden fees.