Our cryptocurrency exchanger offers to withdraw USDC ERC20 to Revolut EUR card in the shortest terms. We guarantee fast and high-quality tether to euro card exchange.
AnyExchange.best has been confirming its reputation as the best exchanger without any hidden fees for many years. To start processing an exchange transaction, you need to fill out a simple application form on our website. After that, our service will immediately proceed to fulfill your request.
Instructions for exchanging USDC for EURO
If you are exchanging USDC for Revolut EUR for the first time, please read the instructions on how to complete the application. It will help you to process your transaction quickly and correctly:
- Specify the amount of USDC ERC20 you want to exchange in the “You give” field. The adjacent “You receive” field will display the amount in EUR, it will be automatically calculated according to the current exchange rate.
- Fill in the lines with your contact details and write your bank card number carefully. All information is required solely to complete the exchange and will not be used for other purposes or disclosed. To remain incognito in our systеm, click the “Do not remember the entered data” button.
- Check what you’ve written and read the terms of our user agreement. If everything suits you, confirm the transaction by clicking “Exchange”.
- Pay for the request you have created.
Wait for the transaction to be completed and the euro to be credited to the Visa/MC Card. In most cases it takes about 5 minutes. Sometimes it may take an hour. You can track the stages of the money transfer in the “Application Status” tab.
Pros of withdrawing USDC at AnyExchange.best
With our online exchanger you can get a lot of advantages when you make withdrawal of USDC ERC20 to Revolut EUR card:
- Prompt withdrawal of cryptocurrency to the card in 5-15 minutes.
- Complete anonymity of your data and transactions.
- 100% transaction guarantee.
- Discount systеm and affiliate program for registered users.