Exchange Tether BEP20 USDT to PayPal USD
  • This operation takes 1 to 48 business hours
  • The rate is fixed after all confirmations of the Tether (BEP20)-network transaction.
  • Additional fees from your bank may apply.
  • Before creating a ticket, contact the operator via the support form on the site.
Data for exchange
You give

min.: 500 USDT max.: 20000 USDT

You get

min.: 500 USD max.: 20000 USD

1 USDT = 1 USD
Personal data
User data

Enter your e-mail

Enter your @username in the telegram

Enter recipient's full name

Type your answer

If you need to exchange USDT BEP20 for PayPal USD, use our crypto exchanger. We provide the best crypto exchange service that will make you never turn to other exchangers again.

With you have an opportunity to exchange Tether for dollars without commission and in the fastest possible time. All you need to do to complete the transaction is fill out a simple questionnaire and wait for the transfer. We offer the most favorable exchange rates and are always ready to answer any of your questions.

How to exchange Tether BEP20 for PayPal dollars?

Our exchanger has been winning the title of the best for a number of years now. And one of the important criteria is the agreement, the terms and conditions of which we recommend every client to read. Especially if you are exchanging USDT for the first time. After that you can proceed with your application. Our specialists have prepared instructions which will help you to exchange USDT BEP-20 to PayPal quickly and easily:

  1. Specify the amount of Tether BEP20 email address where the paypal is registered. The specified information is fully protected and will be used only for the Tether to USD conversion operation.
  2. Pay for the Tether to PayPal USD exchange application you have created.
  3. Wait for a money receipt on your account.
  4. The transaction will be completed within 5 minutes. Sometimes it may take around an hour. You can always keep track of how the Tether is being withdrawn in USD in the “Order Status” tab.

Advantages of our crypto exchange when withdrawing BEP20 to PayPal

With us you can withdraw USDT BEP20 to PayPal USD and get a number of benefits:

  • Quick withdrawal of Tether to dollars.
  • Always the best exchange rate.
  • Complete anonymity of your person.
  • Guaranteed transaction security due to the verification of the “purity” of crypto.
  • Attentive support staff who will explain every nuance of Tether withdrawal to PayPal.