Withdraw USDT BEP20 to Wise USD
  • This operation takes 5 to 60 minutes during business hours
  • The rate is fixed after all confirmations of the Tether (BEP20)-network transaction.
Data for exchange
You give

min.: 1000 USDT max.: 20000 USDT

You get

min.: 990 USD max.: 19800 USD

1 USDT = 0.99 USD
Personal data
User data

Enter your @username in the telegram

Enter your name

Enter your surname

Enter your email from Wise account

Type your answer

Our cryptocurrency exchanger will help you to exchange USDT BEP20 to a Wise USD card. All you have to do is to fill out an application on our website. After that, our staff will exchange the tether to USD in the shortest time possible.

AnyExchange.best is a reliable service with a lot of satisfied users and regular customers. We provide high-quality services for withdrawing crypto without commissions. In addition, we guarantee a fast closing of transactions as almost all transactions are completed without any delays in an online format.

How to withdraw BEP20 to Wise USD via our website

To start working with our exchanger we recommend you to read our terms and conditions. After that you can fill out the withdrawal form. To do everything as fast as possible, follow the instructions developed by our specialists:

  1. Enter the amount of Tether BEP20 you want to exchange for USD.
  2. Write your card number where the dollars will be credited after the exchange. Also you need to provide your contact information, so that our operators will be able to contact you.
  3. Make a payment for the application.

You can monitor the execution of the transaction in the “Order Status” tab. Transferring USDT BEP20 to a Wise dollar card takes approximately 5 minutes in most cases. Sometimes it can take about an hour. And if you have any questions, feel free to contact support.

Advantages of our service

With our cryptocurrency exchanger, you can not only withdraw  USDT to a Wise dollar card. You also get a number of benefits:

  • Accumulative discount systеm when you register.
  • Always up-to-date exchange rates.
  • Your data is completely protected, we guarantee the anonymity of each user.
  • Checking the crypto for “purity” to ensure the security of the transaction and your assets.
  • Attentive and professionally trained customer support operators.