Exchange Tether ERC20 USDT to PayPal USD
  • This operation takes 1 to 48 business hours
  • The rate is fixed after 32 confirmations of the Tether (ERC20)-network transaction.
  • Payment is “As a Friend” only.
Data for exchange
You give

min.: 500 USDT max.: 20000 USDT

You get

min.: 500 USD max.: 20000 USD

1 USDT = 1 USD
Personal data
User data

Enter your e-mail

Enter your @username in the telegram

Enter recipient's full name

Type your answer

To exchange USDT ERC20 into PayPal USD, you need to contact a reliable crypto exchanger. There are a lot of cryptocurrency exchangers, but not everyone can offer Tether to PayPal dollars exchange without commission. is the best service that can prove its reputation by a lot of satisfied customers and regular users. All you need to do to make the exchange is to fill out an online application on our website. This will take several minutes. After that, you will receive dollars on PayPal without any effort and without commission.

How to exchange Tether ERC20 for PayPal dollars?

Before you start filling out the Tether ERC-20 exchange form, we recommend you to read the terms and conditions of our exchanger. And then proceed to enter your details in the form for exchanging Tether for dollars. We have prepared a brief instruction which will help you:

  1. Specify the Tether amount you want to exchange. The sum in USD will be automatically calculated based on the current exchange rate.
  2. Enter your personal and contact information. Carefully fill in the line with your e-mail address, where your Paypal account is registered.
  3. Pay for your application.
  4. Wait for the dollars to arrive in your wallet.

Transferring Tether takes about 5 minutes. But sometimes it can take about an hour. If you do not understand what is causing the USDT ERC20 withdrawal delay, please contact support. Operators will definitely give you a complete answer on every nuance you are interested in.

Benefits of our cryptocurrency exchange when withdrawing USDT ERC20 to PayPal USD

Every client who is going to withdraw USDT ERC20 to PayPal USD has a number of advantages:

  • Withdrawing Tether to USD is quick and easy, and discounts are accumulated when you sign up.
  • Always favorable exchange rates.
  • Your data is protected, we guarantee anonymity of each client’s identity.
  • The security of each transaction is confirmed by checking the crypto for “purity”.
  • Support operators are highly qualified and attentive service employees.