Withdraw USDT ERC20 to Revolut USD
  • This operation takes between 5 and 60 minutes.
  • The rate is fixed after 20 confirmations of the Tether (TRC20)-network transaction.
Data for exchange
You give

min.: 700 USDT max.: 10000 USDT

You get

min.: 693 USD max.: 9900 USD

1 USDT = 0.99 USD
Personal data
User data

Enter your e-mail

Enter your @username in the telegram

Enter recipient's full name

Enter your @Revtag (nickname)

Enter the recipient's IBAN

Type your answer

With our cryptocurrency exchanger you can withdraw USDT ERC20 to Revolut USD card quickly and without commission. Thanks to the constant expansion of our services, AnyExchange.best now offers the most profitable and convenient exchange options. With us, you can withdraw Tether in a few clicks, without even leaving your home, because everything can be done online.

Instructions for exchanging Tether for dollars

Our exchanger offers the most pleasant conditions for exchanging tether for dollars. All you have to do is to fill out a short application form. Follow instructions below, it will help you quickly and without any errors execute your USDT ERC20 to Revolut USD withdrawal transaction:

  1. Enter the amount of Tether ERC20 you need to exchange in the “You give” line. On the “You receive” line you will see the number of dollars, which will be automatically converted according to the current exchange rate.
  2. Write your personal and contact details, specify your cryptocurrency wallet address and the Revolut username. All information is only used to perform the exchange operation. If you don’t want the systеm to remember you, click “Do not remember the entered data”.
  3. Check what you have written and confirm by clicking on “Exchange”.
  4. Make payment for the transaction.

Wait for the exchange to be completed successfully and USD to be credited to your account. This takes about 5 minutes, sometimes the operation is completed within an hour. Stay in the “Application Status” tab to track the stages of the exchange.

Why choose AnyExchange.best

With us you can make a withdrawal of USDT ERC20 to Revolut dollar card and get:

  • Fastest transaction (up to 15 minutes).
  • The best exchange rates on the exchangers market.
  • Total anonymity and high-quality protection of your data.
  • Safe transactions due to the verification of crypto for purity.
  • Affiliate program for registered users, which provides a systеm of bonuses and cashback.
  • Professional customer support.