On this page you can exchange USDT ERC20 to Wise USD quickly and anonymously. The withdrawal of cryptocurrency from a wallet to a card does not require registration and occurs automatically.
How to sell cryptocurrency and withdraw it in USD to a Wise card
To exchange USDT ERC20 to Wise USD, take the following steps:
- Specify the amount of Tether USDT ERC20 you want to withdraw. The calculation of the amount in USD will be done automatically.
- Fill in the card number and email, on which your Wise account is registered.
- Add your contacts, fill in the captcha and click on “Exchange”. In the application form there is an option “Do not remember the entered data”. Choose it if you do not want your personal information to be saved in the systеm.
- Accept the terms of the service contract with our online exchanger, if they suit you.
- Pay according to the further instructions.
- Wait for the exchange to be completed (withdrawal of USDT and crediting dollars to the card). You can track the progress of the transaction in the “Application Status” tab.
Advantages of withdrawing cryptocurrency with AnyExchange.best
- Speed. You will be able to withdraw USDT ERC20 to a Wise USD card within 15 minutes.
- Economy and profitability. We offer the exchange at the most favourable rate. Registered users receive passive income from the cashback systеm and referral program. In both cases, the percentage of compensation increases in parallel with the growth of conversion volume on your account or referral link.
- Transparency. The exchanger does not charge any additional commissions, and you can immediately see all the costs of the transaction.
- Safety. The service guarantees the safety of money involved in transactions, and your personal data. The platform has all the necessary technical protection modules against hackers.
- Reliable reputation. Thousands of loyal clients from all over the world have been using our services for years. We cooperate only with trusted financial institutions and always perform our obligations in full.