Exchange Tether ERC20 USDT to Privat24 UAH
  • This operation takes 5 to 60 minutes during business hours
  • The rate is fixed after 20 confirmations of the Tether (ERC20)-network transaction.
  • Additional fees from your bank may apply.
Data for exchange
You give

min.: 233.918129 USDT max.: 70175.438596 USDT

You get

min.: 10000 UAH max.: 3000000 UAH

1 USDT = 42.75 UAH
Personal data
User data

Enter your e-mail

Enter your @username in the telegram

Enter recipient's full name

Type your answer

Looking for a reliable way to withdraw cryptocurrency from wallet to card? With you can exchange USDT ERC20 to Privat24 and get hryvnia to your account quickly and safely. The exchange of USDT for UAH is carried out by our exchanger in automatic mode. It takes 5-60 minutes to withdraw the cryptocurrency depending on the systеm load. 

How to exchange USDT ERC20 to Privat24 UAH

To exchange Tether ERC-20 complete a simple application and pay for it. 

Proceed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Enter the amount of USDT ERC20 you are going to exchange into the “Give” field. Adhere to the specified limits. The total amount in hryvnia will be calculated automatically in the “Receive” field. If you withdraw cryptocurrency to the “For payments” card, Privatbank will charge you 1% additional fee.
  2. Specify your bank card number in Privat24 and contact details. You can choose not to save personal information in the systеm, by selecting the “Do not remember entered data” option. Fill in the captcha and click “Exchange”.
  3. Read the exchange service agreement. Agree with it if everything suits you.
  4. Make the payment according to the further online instructions.
  5. Wait for UAH to be credited to your Privat24 account. You can track the progress of processing an exchange order on the “Application Status” tab.

Advantages of AnyExchange exchanger

  • Anonymous. You can withdraw USDT ERC20 to a PrivatBank card without registration on the site.
  • Profitable. The service offers the best exchange rates and works without hidden fees. Regular customers receive passive income in the form of cashback and referral rewards. Bonuses increase on a cumulative basis: the higher the turnover, the greater the profit.
  • Safe. The platform guarantees the security of your personal information and funds. The website is equipped with the most advanced technical protection modules against interference by third parties.

Reliable. The exchanger always fulfills its obligations and has an excellent reputation.