Exchange Tether TRC20 USDT to Privat24 UAH
  • This operation takes 5 to 60 minutes during business hours
  • The rate is fixed after 20 confirmations of the Tether (TRC20)-network transaction.
  • Additional fees from your bank may apply.
Data for exchange
You give

min.: 235.294118 USDT max.: 70588.235294 USDT

You get

min.: 10000 UAH max.: 3000000 UAH

1 USDT = 42.5 UAH
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Withdrawing Tether TRC20 USDT to a Privat24 card is one of the ways to exchange cryptocurrency for hryvnias, which can then be cashed out through any terminal. Not sure how to do it quickly and profitably? The best way to make an exchange of Tether TRC20 for hryvnia in Privat24 is to take advantage of low rates and fast execution of applications on this page.

How Tether works

Tether TRC20 USDT is a cryptocurrency that belongs to the category of stable coins. This category includes crypto assets whose prices are pegged to the exchange rate of some currency. USDT is pegged to the U.S. dollar exchange rate.

The TRC20 technical standard means that this cryptocurrency is managed on the TRON blockchain. This network was created in 2018. Since then, TRON has become one of the most popular blockchain networks in the entertainment industry. For example, it is used to develop decentralized applications based on the blockchain, where USDT is accepted as a payment method.

The main advantage of the TRON network among competitors is the low transaction fees within the ecosystem. At the same time, the transfers themselves do not become slower.

To withdraw Tether TRC20 USDT to a Privat24 card, you will also not have to pay high commissions. All thanks to the loyal terms of the service.

What you need to know about withdrawal via

It is very easy to transfer USDT to a PrivatBank card. This withdrawal from crypto wallet will not take much time. Registration is not even mandatory, so anyone who comes to this page can fill out the form at the top.

Here is what you need to consider in order to sell cryptocurrency correctly:

  • You will receive exactly the amount indicated in the application for the Universal and Gold cards. When withdrawing to the card “For payments”, you will have to pay an additional commission of 1%.
  • The Tether TRC20 network charges its own fee of 1 token.
  • Please make sure you have entered your card number and personal details correctly.

Why is it profitable?

Transferring money online through the exchanger is beneficial because we offer low rates and execute applications in the shortest possible time. In addition, we guarantee complete anonymity and loyalty of the service even to users who have not registered on the site. For those who create their personal account on the platform, we will accrue various discounts as they actively conduct exchanges through our exchanger. Don’t waste time and use it now!