Exchange Tether TRC20 USDT to Bitcoin BTC
  • This operation is performed automatically.
  • The rate is fixed after 20 confirmations of the Tether (TRC20)-network transaction.
Data for exchange
You give

min.: 3000 USDT max.: 10000 USDT

You get

min.: 0.0284004 BTC max.: 0.094668 BTC

105632.02245 USDT = 1 BTC
Personal data
User data

Enter your e-mail

Enter your @username in the telegram

Type your answer

Do you want to convert tether to bitcoin? With our website you can quickly and safely exchange USDT TRC20 for Bitcoin BTC. To make the exchange, you need to fill out a simple online application form. Transaction is carried out through our exchanger in automatic mode.

How the exchange process works

In order to exchange USDT to BTC, follow the instructions:

  1. Specify the amount of Tether TRC20 USDT you want to convert. The sum in bitcoins will be calculated automatically at the current exchange rate. Total amount is displayed separately, including Bitcoin payment systеm commission. Enter the wallet address to which you plan to receive BTC as a result of the exchange.
  2. Enter your contact information and fill in the captcha. Click on “Exchange”.
  3. Read the contract and agree to the terms, if they are suitable for you.
  4. Make a payment.
  5. Wait for the receipt of your Bitcoin BTC to the specified account. You can track the status of your exchange transaction on the “Order Status” page.

If you have any difficulties, please contact the customer support service of our exchanger. Operators will promptly and competently answer all your questions regarding the exchange.

Benefits of buying cryptocurrencies with AnyExchange

  • You can buy BTC for USDT TRC20 absolutely anonymously. The site does not require registration. In the application form there is an option “Do not remember entered data”. If you sеlect it, personal information will not be saved in the systеm.
  • We guarantee the safety of all financial transactions. An SSL certificate and AML module are integrated into the platform, ensuring complete protection of your personal details and funds.
  • You will be able to exchange cryptocurrencies quickly. Transfers are carried out within 5-60 minutes depending on the workload of the exchanger.
  • The service offers profitable deals. We work at the best exchange rates and without hidden fees. The platform features a cashback systеm and a referral rewards program for signed up clients.