Exchange Tether TRC20 USDT to VISA/MC UAH
  • This operation takes 1 to 3 during business hours
  • The rate is fixed after 20 confirmations of the Tether (TRC20)-network transaction.
  • Additional fees from your bank may apply.
  • Payments are made only by IBAN.

Data for exchange
You give

min.: 229.357798 USDT max.: 11467.889908 USDT

You get

min.: 10000 UAH max.: 500000 UAH

1 USDT = 43.6 UAH
Personal data
User data

Enter your e-mail

Enter your @username in the telegram


Enter recipient's full name

Type your answer

Having cryptocurrency in your possession, sometimes you need to sell it or withdraw it from your wallet to your card in local currency. Using our service, it is easy and profitable to withdraw USDT TRC20 to a hryvnia card of any bank. Our exchanger suggests the most profitable rate of Tether to hryvnia conversion and the absence of extra commissions. Working with us you save and increase your money. 

How to exchange TRC20 USDT to UAH card 

To exchange Tether TRC20 USDT to VISA/Mastercard UAH follow the instructions:

  1. Specify the amount of cryptocurrency you want to transfer to a hryvnia card. The service will calculate the amount in Ukrainian currency  automatically. You can also specify the amount you need in UAH to your card, and the service will calculate how much TRC20 USDT will be withdrawn from your wallet.
  2. Enter the number of the bank card to which the funds will be transferred. 
  3. Fill in your personal data: last name and first name as in the passport, contact phone number, e-mail address. We don’t use personal data to transfer to third parties, we ask them for protection from fraudsters.
  4. Run a robot-protection check 
  5. Check the information you entered and click the “Exchange” button.
  6. Read our standard contract and agree to its terms.
  7. Create an order.
  8. Pay for the application.
  9. Follow the status of your transaction on the application status page. The service will move you there automatically.

Benefits of for selling cryptocurrencies

We work 5 days a week and are always online. Through our exchanger you can sell Tether TRC20 USDT in any amount, both small and large amounts. Service is working in automatic mode, which means high speed of conversion. We give clear instructions for operations, so it will not be difficult to figure out and make an exchange or withdrawal of funds. We provide wide functionality for our customers and can help to exchange any types of digital, electronic, fiat savings. At the same time we maintain a high level of security of the exchanger security and complete confidentiality.