Exchange Tether TRC20 USDT to Litecoin LTC
  • This operation is performed automatically.
  • The rate is fixed after 20 confirmations of the Tether (TRC20)-network transaction.
Data for exchange
You give

min.: 500 USDT max.: 5000 USDT

You get

min.: 3.826941 LTC max.: 38.26941 LTC

117.58739 USDT = 0.9 LTC
Personal data
User data

Enter your e-mail

Enter your @username in the telegram

Type your answer

With AnyExchange you can exchange USDT TRC20 for Litecoin LTC. The exchange between cryptocurrencies is fast, anonymous and secure. 

Litecoin has not left the world’s TOP-10 largest cryptocurrencies by capitalisation since its inception in 2011. It has been called the “bitcoin of all altcoins”. The undisputed advantage of LTC is its limited supply (84 million). This ensures a constant deficit of the coin. Thus, the demand, and consequently its price, cannot fall. This makes Litecoin an attractive and marketable asset for investment and trading.

How to exchange USDT TRC20 for Litecoin LTC on our website

In order to exchange cryptocurrencies, proceed with the following algorithm:

  1. Specify the amount of Tether USDT in the appropriate field of the online application form. The total amount in litecoins will be calculated automatically according to the current exchange rate. This is the final amount to be credited, there will be no additional transaction fees. Enter the account number of the wallet to which you plan to transfer LTC.
  2. Provide your contact information. Fill in the captcha. Click on “Do not remember entered data” if you don’t want your personal information to be saved in the systеm. Click on the “Exchange” button.
  3. Read and accept the terms of the exchange transaction if you are satisfied with them.
  4. Pay by the further instructions.
  5. Tether TRC20 USDT to Litecoin LTC transfer transaction will be completed within 5 to 60 minutes (depending on the systеm load). You can track the status of the exchange on the “Order status” tab.

Benefits of converting cryptocurrencies with our exchanger

  • Anonymity. In order to convert usdt to ltc, you do not need to register on the website.
  • Security. The platform integrates the latest technical modules to protect the personal information and financial assets of our clients.

Reliability. The exchanger has been operating for many years and has an excellent reputation.