Exchange Tether TRC20 USDT to Raiffeisen UAH
  • This operation takes 5 to 60 minutes during business hours
  • The rate is fixed after 20 confirmations of the Tether (TRC20)-network transaction.
  • Additional fees from your bank may apply.
Data for exchange
You give

min.: 229.357798 USDT max.: 6880.733945 USDT

You get

min.: 10000 UAH max.: 300000 UAH

1 USDT = 43.6 UAH
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Tether TRC20 USDT → Raiffeisen UAH

Despite the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies in online payments, there remains a need to withdraw Tether TRC20 USDT to Raiffeisen . To save on commissions, choose a reliable online exchanger

More about Tether TRC20 and Raiffeisen

Tether TRC20 USDT is a crypto token that is managed by the TRON blockchain network, launched in July 2018. Over the years of its operation, TRON has grown into one of the most popular ecosystems for managing decentralized assets. One of the reasons for the rapid development of this blockchain network is its involvement in various areas, including social networks, video hosting and streaming. TRON developers mainly focus on the entertainment industry. Thus, the Tether network token remains visible to a wide range of users, it is easy to withdraw, and its pegging to the dollar makes this asset profitable for investment.
Raiffeisen is a breakthrough startup not only for Ukraine, but also for the countries of Eastern Europe as a whole. Today Raiffeisen serves more than 1 million clients. Most of them work with cryptocurrencies, including USDT. Therefore, they need the opportunity to exchange Tether TRC20 USDT for Raiffeisen UAH. platform kindly provides such a service.

How to exchange USDT cryptocurrency for hryvnia online profitably through

Due to Tezer’s pegging to the dollar exchange rate, the cryptocurrency is considered reliable for saving money and making investments. The ERC 20 technical standard increases the demand for this token among developers of decentralized applications developed on the same Ethereum network.

Since payment via a cryptocurrency wallet is not yet accepted everywhere, many users consider it advisable to exchange Tether ERC20 for Raiffeisen UAH. Why Raiffeisen ? This is the most modern bank in Ukraine, which is becoming increasingly popular and surpasses many traditional banks in the scope of its activities.

Transfer Tezer to hryvnia to a Raiffeisen card through the exchanger

Exchange USDT TRC20 to Raiffeisen card

Through the exchanger, anyone can easily exchange or sell Tether for Raiffeisen hryvnia. The platform guarantees complete protection of the user and his personal data. The high-level security systеm also comes with easy ordering. It includes the following steps:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the terms of use of the service and the user agreement;
  2. Check out the current rates – we will fix the rate at the time the application is confirmed, so you don’t have to worry about it changing during the service process;
  3. Enter the amount of Tezer that you want to transfer into hryvnia to the Raiffeisen card;
  4. Enter your details in Raiffeisen ;
  5. Provide personal and contact information.

Why is it profitable and safe?

Why is it profitable and safe at

Please note that the service provides the opportunity to familiarize yourself with all the conditions before completing the application and registration. In addition, you may notice that the process of exchanging Tether TRC20 for Raiffeisen hryvnia through can be almost completely automated. When you transfer money from a crypto wallet to a bank card, you do not have to contact the platform operator.

Your benefit lies in low commissions. We offer the most reasonable rates for exchanging cryptocurrency assets into hryvnia.