Confirmation of the transaction in order to prevent the repeated spending of the same funds. As soon as the sender translates the messages, the transaction enters the network for execution and inclusion in a block.
It is the process of adding a transaction to the found block that is called transaction confirmation.
One block includes one confirmation. As soon as your transaction is confirmed, the cryptocurrency is available for further use.
The confirmation speed depends on various factors, such as the congestion of the network itself, the size of the connection during the transfer, the speed of the Internet, etc.
On average, confirmation of a transaction takes from 30 minutes to several hours. But sometimes you can wait for confirmation from 2 to 14 days if the network is overloaded.
Withdrawal of funds will become technically possible when a certain number of confirmations by the network (depending on the type of credited cryptocurrency).
As soon as you click on the “Submit” button, your transfer is queued for sending. The time it takes to complete a transfer depends on its place in the queue, however, as a rule, the transfer is completed within 1-3 minutes
Once a transfer has been sent, the speed of processing and confirmation depends on the cryptocurrency protocols and networks. The transfer you sent will be available to the recipient after several confirmations by the network (from 2 to 10).
For Bitcoin, it usually takes from 2 to 6 confirmations by the network (from 20 to 40 minutes), for Dogecoin, from 6 to 8 confirmations (from 5 to 15 minutes).
In cases where the network is overloaded with transactions, confirmation can take up to several hours or even days. The confirmation procedure does not depend on the Cryptonator and is determined solely by the processing speed of transactions by cryptocurrency networks.
You can independently check the load on the bitcoin network here. If the number of unconfirmed transactions exceeds 4-5 thousand, then the network is experiencing overload.
As for the number of confirmations for the DASH coin. The InstatSend function is implemented there, so transactions are immediately sent to us. Analysis shows: on average, InstantSend Dash transactions are confirmed by the network in less than two seconds