Cryptocurrency exchanger in Yerevan (Armenia)
You send
Tether TRC20 USDT
Tether ERC20 USDT
Tether BEP20 USDT
Bitcoin BTC
Ethereum ETH
Monobank UAH
Privat24 UAH
Payoneer USD
Capitalist USD
Algorand ALGO
Avalanche AVAX
Basic Attention BAT
PancakeSwap CAKE
Cardano ADA
Chainlink LINK
Cosmos ATOM
Decentraland MANA
Dogecoin DOGE
Maker MKR
Polygon POL
Monero XMR
NEAR Protocol NEAR
OMG Network OMG
Ontology ONT
Ravencoin RVN
Ripple XRP
Solana SOL
Stellar XLM
Tezos XTZ
Toncoin Ton
Tron TRX
Uniswap UNI
0x Protocol ZRX
You receive

Yerevan — the largest economic and scientific center of Armenia, where the use of cryptocurrency assets is becoming increasingly popular. With the help of our crypto exchanger in Yerevan, you can exchange cryptocurrency for cash dollars (USD) on the most favorable terms. Also, other financial services with fiat and electronic currencies are available in the AnyExchange exchanger, which are easy and safe to order online.

Buying and selling cryptocurrency in Yerevan

The service does not require registration. You can buy cryptocurrency or sell it for cash USD within a maximum of an hour. Cryptocurrency is exchanged for electronic money automatically and takes 5-15 minutes.

The main types of cryptocurrencies that can be converted on our platform:

  • Tether TRC20/ERC20/BEP20 USDT
  • Bitcoin BTC
  • Ethereum ETH
  • Binance Coin BNB
  • Litecoin LTC
  • Dash DSH

If you need to cash out digital assets that are not on the — contact the crypto exchange operator via online chat. You will definitely be offered the best solution to the issue.

The exchange of cryptocurrencies in Yerevan with the participation of cash dollars is carried out using local offline exchangers. AnyExchange has concluded relevant agreements with licensed networks of currency exchange offices.

Electronic currency exchange

If you need to replenish your e-wallet or withdraw money from your account, with us you will be able to transfer profitably and safely. You can also withdraw funds or make a cash deposit.

Our online exchanger cooperates with leading international payment platforms:

  • PayPal;
  • Payers;
  • Revolut;
  • AdvCash;
  • Wise;
  • Capitalist;
  • Perfect Money.

The advantages of the AnyExchange online exchanger

  • Multicurrency. Crypto exchanger in Yerevan conducts transactions with the most popular cryptocurrencies, electronic and cash currencies. We provide the opportunity to exchange in 100+ destinations.
  • Speed. Most transactions are done online, automatically.
  • Anonymity. You can change financial assets without registration or verification. When filling out the application, it is possible to remove all the details of the exchange from the crypto exchange systеm. 
  • Security. The platform is protected from any interference by third parties through the most advanced technical tools. All money involved in exchange transactions is checked by the systеm “for cleanliness”. We guarantee complete confidentiality and no risks of blocking financial assets.
  • Economy and transparency. Crypto exchange in Yerevan offers the best conversion rates. All commissions are included, the total amount of the transaction is immediately visible in the application. Registered users receive cumulative discounts and bonuses.
  • Reliability. AnyExchange has a proven track record. The exchanger has been operating on the market for more than three years and is represented in more than 40 cities around the world.

How the exchange works on AnyExchange

  1. sеlect the currency names from the drop-down lists. Enter the amount of one of them. You will see the calculation of the second value in the next cell.
  2. Enter the minimum required contact and billing information.
  3. Click “Exchange”.
  4. Read the agreement with our cryptocurrency exchanger and accept its terms.
  5. Pay.
  6. Wait for the transaction to complete.