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This personal data processing policy, together with the User Agreement and its other integral parts, is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the LAW of UKRAINE No. 2297-VІ “On the protection of personal data” and determines the procedure for processing personal data and measures to ensure the security of personal data carried out by the Service. The service sets as its most important goal and condition for the implementation of its activities the observance of the rights and freedoms of a person and citizen in the processing of his personal data, including the protection of the rights to privacy, personal and family secrets. This Service policy regarding the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) applies to all information that the Service can receive about visitors to the website. Service and its Affiliates undertake to make every effort to protect the privacy of Users. uses the information collected about the User to fulfill its contractual obligations and improve customer service.

Please read this document carefully. The Privacy Policy is intended to explain to visitors to this site how and for what purpose the Service collects, stores, protects and uses the personal data of its Users.

Basic concepts and terms used in the Policy

  1. Personal data – any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable individual (subject of personal data)
  2. Operator – a legal entity, independently or jointly with other persons organizing and (or) carrying out the processing of personal data for the AnyExchange.Best service, the composition of personal data to be processed, actions performed with personal data;
  3. Processing of personal data – any action or set of actions performed with or without the use of automation tools with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), retrieval, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data;
  4. Website – a set of graphic and informational materials, as well as computer programs and databases that ensure their availability on the Internet at the network address;
  5. Automated personal data collection systеm – a set of tools designed to process personal data using computer technology;
  6. Dissemination of personal data – actions aimed at disclosing personal data to an indefinite circle of persons;
  7. Blocking of personal data – temporary suspension of the processing of personal data (unless the processing is necessary to clarify personal data);
  8. Information systеm of personal data – a set of personal data contained in databases, and information technologies and technical means that ensure their processing;
  9. Depersonalization of personal data – actions as a result of which it is impossible to determine, without the use of additional information, the ownership of personal data by a specific User or other subject of personal data;
  10. Providing personal data – actions aimed at disclosing personal data to a certain person or a certain circle of persons;
  11. Dissemination of personal data – any actions aimed at disclosing personal data to an indefinite circle of persons (transfer of personal data) or familiarizing with personal data of an unlimited number of persons, including the disclosure of personal data in the media, placement in information and telecommunication networks or providing access to personal data in any other way;
  12. Cross-border transfer of personal data – transfer of personal data to the territory of a foreign state to an authority of a foreign state, a foreign individual or foreign legal entity;
  13. Destruction of personal data – any actions as a result of which personal data are destroyed irrevocably with the impossibility of further restoration of the content of personal data in the information systеm of personal data and (or) as a result of which material carriers of personal data are destroyed.

General provisions

The most important condition for the implementation of the goals of the Service (hereinafter referred to as the Service) is to ensure the necessary and sufficient level of information security of assets, which, among other things, inсlude personal data and the processes within which they are processed.

Ensuring the security of personal data is one of the priorities of the Service.

The Service highly appreciates the relationship with its current and potential Users (hereinafter referred to as Users) and visitors to the Internet resources of the Service, and understands the importance of ensuring security and confidentiality in relation to their personal data.

By agreeing to the terms and conditions of the User Agreement and / or using the services of the Service, the User thereby gives the Service his full consent to the collection, storage, protection and use of his personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy, including receiving mailings, including having an advertising character.

In case of disagreement with this Privacy Policy, the use of the Service must be terminated.

The Service proceeds from the fact that the User who initiates access to the Internet resources of the Service:

  1. Uses the Internet resources of the Service on its own behalf and reliably indicates personal data in cases where it is necessary;
  2. Defines and controls the settings of the software it uses;
  3. Has the opportunity to get acquainted with this Privacy Policy by clicking on the hypertext link “Privacy Policy” on the Internet resource of the Service.

The concept and composition of personal data

Information constituting personal data is any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable individual (subject of personal data).

Personal data includes – personal information specified by the Client when placing (entering) his personal data, documents (copies of documents, including in electronic form) when filling out electronic forms on the Company’s Internet resources, as well as when writing to the Company, requests through the online chat form on the Company’s Internet resources, etc.

This information also includes, but is not limited to:

  2. Cell phone number;
  3. E-mail address;
  4. Address of the place of registration;
  5. Mailing address;
  6. Details of the identity document and the data contained therein;
  7. Bank account details and bank account agreement data;
  8. Photo and video images of the client;
  9. Or other data.

Documents required to identify the User:

  1. Details of the identity document and the data contained therein;
  2. Wallet addresses from which funds were sent;
  3. Utility bills and / or bank statement or constituent documents of a legal entity;
  4. Standard data automatically received by the http server when accessing the Internet resources of the Service (host IP address, address of the requested resource, time, type and information about the viewer that sent the resource request, type of the user’s operating systеm, address of the page from which the transition to the requested resource);
  5. Information automatically obtained when accessing the Company’s Internet resources (cookies).

Purposes of personal data processing

The Service processes personal data in the following cases:

  1. To identify the User;
  2. In order to carry out measures to protect against fraud and other illegal actions;
  3. To promptly inform about news, expand the list of services provided by the Services, promotions and promotional offers of the Service, as well as to advise Users on a wide range of issues;
  4. Informing about advertising and/or marketing promotions, surveys, questionnaires, marketing research conducted by the Service and / or third parties in whose interests the Service operates, in relation to the services provided by the Service and / or persons in whose interests the Service operates;
  5. To maintain a correct registration database of Users;
  6. In order to analyze statistical data on the use of the Internet resources of the Service, their performance and efficiency, in order to offer Users products and services of higher quality.

Principles of processing, storage and protection of personal data

The processing of personal data by the Service is carried out on the basis of the following principles:

  1. Lawfulness and fairness of the purposes and methods of processing personal data;
  2. Compliance of the purposes of processing personal data with the purposes predetermined and declared during the collection of personal data, as well as the authority of the Service;
  3. Compliance of the volume and nature of the processed personal data, methods of processing personal data with the purposes of processing personal data;
  4. Reliability of personal data, their sufficiency for the purposes of processing, inadmissibility of processing personal data that is excessive in relation to the purposes stated when collecting personal data;
  5. Inadmissibility of combining databases created for mutually incompatible purposes containing personal data;
  6. Storage of personal data should be carried out in a form that allows to determine the subject of personal data, no longer than required by the purposes of their processing, if the period of storage of personal data is not established by law, by an agreement to which the subject of personal data is a party, beneficiary or recipient;
  7. Destruction upon achievement of the purposes of processing personal data or in case of loss of the need to achieve them, unless otherwise provided by law.

The Service processes personal data using automation tools, including using information technologies and technical means, including computer equipment, information technology complexes and networks, means and systems for transmitting, receiving and processing personal data, software tools (operating systems, database management systems, etc.), information security tools used in information systems, as well as without the use of automation tools.

The Service has the right to transfer the personal data of the subject of personal data to subsidiaries / affiliated companies, banks, agents of the Service, including payment agents, or other trusted organizations and persons (hereinafter referred to as the Trustees) only for the purpose of processing the User’s applications. The Service guarantees compliance with this Policy by Authorized persons and the adoption by these persons of the necessary measures to protect the confidential information of Users. The Service has the right to provide confidential information about the User’s personal data to third parties who are not Trustees, only in case of receiving an official request from administrative and / or judicial authorities.

The Service undertakes not to provide access to the Users’ personal data to anyone other than employees, agents, partners of the Service to the extent necessary for doing business, including, but not limited to, banking and credit relationships. The Company guarantees compliance with this Privacy Policy by the specified persons, including the adoption of adequate measures for the storage and protection of Users’ personal data.

The Service does not place the personal data of the subject of personal data in public sources without his prior consent.

The Service has the right to disclose personal data of Users to federal or state regulatory and law enforcement agencies in whose jurisdiction the Service is located, in response to relevant legally executed requests for the provision of such information, and also has the right to disclose information about the User in response to court orders or subpoenas .

Links to Internet resources of third parties

The Internet resources of the Service may contain hypertext links to the Internet resources of other (unaffiliated) companies. When switching to another Internet resource using any of these links, the User leaves the Internet resource of the Service. The Service does not manage the Internet resources of other companies and does not control their privacy practices, which may differ from those accepted by the Service. Personal data that the User provides to other companies is not subject to this Privacy Policy. The service recommends that you familiarize yourself with the privacy policy of other companies before providing them with your personal data.

Correspondence sent to the Service

All correspondence sent by Users or visitors of the Internet resources of the Service to the latter (letters in regular or electronic form, comments on the materials of the Service, etc.) is perceived as restricted information and can be published only with the written consent of the sender. The address, telephone number and other personal data of the sender may not be used without his express consent, except to respond to the subject of the received correspondence.


By registering on the website of the Service and using its services without registration, in accordance with this Policy, the User:

  1. Gives consent to the use of his personal data, as well as their processing: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updаte, change), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of any information related directly or indirectly to the User, his operations and payments.
  2. I am aware that the processing of personal data will be carried out by the Service in the interests of the User and in order to provide / provide the User with any consultations (clarifications) and / or in order to offer the User the services provided by the Service and / or services provided by persons in the interests of which the Service operates, and / or for the purpose of conducting surveys, questionnaires, advertising and marketing research in relation to the services provided by the Service and / or persons in whose interests the Service operates, as well as for the purpose of informing about the advertising and / or marketing campaigns in relation to the services provided by the Service, as well as by persons in whose interests the Service operates, by making contacts with Users directly or by phone, mail, facsimile, e-mail, or using other means of communication, and also for the purpose of preparing for the conclusion, for the purpose of concluding, executing, changing, termination of contracts (agreements) between Users and the Service or persons in whose interests the Service operates, including the proper identification of the User, as well as in order to prepare forms of statements, notifications, agreements, contracts that do not directly entail the conclusion, termination, amendment of the relevant contract, agreement and for other purposes corresponding to the direction of the above goals.
  3. The user confirms that he is properly acquainted with the purposes of processing his personal data.
  4. The User confirms that he is notified that the processing of personal data is carried out by the Service in any way, including both using automation tools (including software) and without using automation tools (using various material media, including paper media).
  5. The User confirms that the processing of personal data can be carried out both by the Service and by other persons who have entered into an agreement with the Service on the terms of confidentiality and responsibility for the disclosure of Personal Data.
  6. This right (consent) is valid for 10 years and can be revoked by sending a written notice to the Service. This consent is considered withdrawn after 30 (Thirty) days from the date of receipt by the Service of a written notice of the withdrawal of this consent. The day of receipt of the notification shall not be included in the thirty-day period.

Final provisions

This Privacy Policy is an open and public document. The current version is posted on the Internet on the Internet resource of the Service.

The Service reserves the right to change the Privacy Policy, notifying about it on the page located at this address. Changes to the Privacy Policy will be posted on this page. In the event of significant changes, the Service will notify Users in a more explicit way (for example, by sending an email).

This Policy is subject to change, addition in case of amendments to the current legislative acts and the emergence of new legislative acts, and special regulatory documents on the processing and protection of personal data.